my services
I support my clients with strategy and business planning, service evaluation and design, and governance including across partnerships.
strategy & business planning
I can help you develop your organisation’s vision and mission, prioritise actions and identify how to measure progress. This usually involves facilitated workshops, some preparatory interviews to surface key themes and sensitive issues and beneficiary engagement to ensure their voice is heard. I can help you with 2 or 3 days work, or run your entire planning processes, as I have done for larger charities.
service evaluation & design
I can evaluate how your service is performing, why, and help you decide what a more impactful service might look like. This could be because you want to introduce improvements, are applying for funding or are moving from a grant to traded model. Typical activities include finding out the views of your staff, clients and stakeholders, analysing and benchmarking your performance and cost data and gaining insight into innovations in your sector.
governance & partnership development
I can strengthen your oversight, identifying where your governance or your partnership is effective and how any weaker aspects could be addressed. This usually involves discussions with your board and management peers, structured around the requirements of a relevant regulatory code of good practice and your organisation’s values. I present the findings and help you develop practical and proportionate action plans to take recommendations forward.
supporting organisations that make a difference.
Registered address: 56 Selby Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 7BL
Companies House number: 08907804
VAT number: GB 397 6067 45